Gaming And OnlyFans

2020-10-05 (3)

The Red Quest asked an important question on Twitter the other day:

“Is it just me, or are pretty much no guys in their 20’s writing about the game? Is the next generation illiterate? Too addicted to video games? Where are they?”

It got me to thinking because while I know that there are much younger guys out there talking about “game,” that number is incredibly small. I would hazard that the majority of guys who are talking and writing about game are either in their 30’s and definitely into their 40’s. It seems interesting to me that the majority of guys writing about game are in fact, older. Why is that?

A reply to the Red Quest may shed some light on the subject:

2020-10-05 (2)

“Dude the whole Game stuff is kinda Boomer tbh. Newer gens more interested in gaming and Onlyfans.” – H.M. Brough @HMBroughMD

If that is in fact true, then the future generations may actually be genuinely lost.

Gaming and OnlyFans….

The gaming part I can sort of understand and relate to to some degree. I grew up with a video game console in hand. The Atari 2600 was the first console that I owned when I was a young lad.

I then “graduated” up to the original Nintendo (8 bit), moved on to the Atari Jaguar when that became the next thing, moved on yet again to the original Playstation, then to Playstation 2, and even ended up with a Wii.

Most of my gaming I got out of my system when I was under 20 and before I went on to college. My only “stint” with online gaming was back in about 2003 or 2004 when I got into Eve Online, and woo boy, I went down a dark rabbit hole on that one. Let’s just say that I spent about 4 years living inside that game. Every day from when I first started to when I “gave it up” in 2007 revolved around work and Eve and that was pretty much it for me.

Weekends were spent on Eve “ganking noobs in a gatecamp.” I would get up early to play before I needed to go to work and when I got home after a ten hour shift, it was time to pay Eve a visit. She was a cruel mistress that demanded absolute loyalty. During those years I would still occasionally get laid, but it was seriously like once or twice a year that sex would happen.

Picking up women wasn’t that hard, at least I didn’t think so. Then again I was using online dating at that time and I knew that the pickings weren’t all that great. Then again, I wasn’t looking to “date” or get into a relationship either. It was sex, pure and simple. After that, she could leave and if I saw her again, great. If not, that was okay too. Eve gave me most of my needs, other than physical, and that could be satisfied with the occasional random woman from the internet when that need became too pressing or too demanding.

It wasn’t until I met my future wife that gaming then took a backseat to everything else and I’m glad for that. I could have spent decades on Eve. It was that entertaining and that “powerful.” Even now I think about getting back into Eve, but I know that if I do, I’m pretty much done. It’s like a heroin addict or an alcoholic saying that they can have just one fix or just one drink after years of being off the juice or off the sauce. There’s no such thing as “just one.” Not really.

So I stay off Eve even though I’ve seen “teaser” videos show up in my timeline and on YouTube. Man it’s tempting, I’m not going to lie. If I ever just disappear off the internet altogether without a goodbye or some sort of “farewell,” you can figure that I gave up the fight and went back to Eve. Look for my corpse there if that happens. Call the police while you are at it so that they can do a welfare check on me.

I say this in jest somewhat, but not really. That’s how entertaining and powerful that game is. I can only imagine what other games are like these days. I was even hesitant to get into “Among Us” with some friends of mine, but I decided to take the leap and see what would happen. Thankfully I can play that game, have a ton of fun with other people, but I can turn it off no problem, walk away from it for days on end, and get on with the rest of my life. “Among Us” doesn’t have the power or the entertainment factor that Eve has apparently.

I get why the younger crowd can get sucked down the gaming rabbit hole, it’s actually fairly common, which I do find sad. OnlyFans though, that’s one that I don’t understand. I know it’s a relatively “new phenomenon” as far as porn and sex work go, but I don’t understand the appeal of it.

I get that women of all ages would want to start an OnlyFans account in the hopes of making easy money and if you already have an audience from another platform and you know how to market yourself, or you know someone that can do the marketing for you, you can actually make some decent money at it. Hell, if you know what you are doing, I would say that you can make a lot of money at it. What’s not to like about that? You get to be your own boss for the most part, you don’t have to interact with real live people in your physical space if you don’t want to, and you can pretty much set your price. “Safe sex,” no pimps, no violent, creepy people, and you don’t have to do anything you don’t want to. What’s not to like about that?

For the guys who sign up for OnlyFans and become a “fan” though, I don’t understand that one. You are willing to pay money to a person that in all likelihood you will never meet in person. You are literally another nameless, faceless avatar throwing money at some person in the hopes that they will pay attention to you, even if it’s just for a moment. Maybe I’m wrong here, but that’s all it seems like to me. Guys throwing money in the hopes of gaining attention and currying favor with some cam person.

No physical contact, no actual sex, and no genuine intimacy. In short, no real human connection. That’s the saddest part of all. I just don’t understand it and to be honest, except from an intellectual standpoint, I don’t want to understand it.

Real life is far more interesting and savory than anything that can be found online. Take it from someone who came back from the rabbit hole of gaming. I know.

What’s to come for the future generations when the guys who write about game decide to move on with their lives and stop writing and communicating about it? Is it going to be guys “digging up” the “Mystery Method” and “Speed Seduction” and what is old is new again? Honestly, most likely. But then again, with things like OnlyFans thrown into the mix now, I have no idea how this is all going to turn out for the future guys. Sex robots? That seems just as likely too, why not? I just don’t know.

All I do know is that technology is causing a disconnect for everybody involved in its use. Tech giveth and tech taketh away. Use your tech judiciously and wisely is all that I can say. Play your games if that is what you enjoy but don’t let them consume you. And things like OnlyFans? My only advice on that one is to stay away from it entirely.

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I Want To Play A Game


*In best Jig-saw voice*

Hello Dear Reader, I want to play a game.

For all of your life, there has been a war going on. A war for your mind. From the time that you were born, right up to this very moment, people have been waging a war for your attention.

From birth you have been conditioned. You have been conditioned on what to think and what to feel. Ultimately you have been conditioned on how to act. You have been conditioned on what to buy, when to buy it, where to buy from, and to ask no questions. And then you were lied to. You were told that you are a free-thinker, that you control your own destiny, and that you make your own decisions.

But how is it that a corporation or an organization can get you to feel what they want you to feel? Why is it that time and time again, you turn to your outrage porn, your social media outlets, and your mainstream media to get your dose of “news” and “current events?”

You have been systematically conditioned. Your thoughts aren’t your own. Your actions aren’t yours by choice. You have been programmed. You have been programmed how to think, how to act, how to feel. You have been programmed what to buy, what to wear, what to eat, and what to drink. You have been programmed on how to vote. You have been programmed in what religion you follow.

Every headline of every “news feed blog post,” every opening segment of every video that you willingly watch, has been systematically engineered to get you to click on it, to read it or watch it, and then to feel something about it. And then to act. Act with your wallet by opening it, removing your credit or debit card, and then purchase something. And you need to do it now, because time is limited. Anger and confusion are emotional states that can and are manipulated to get you to buy things you don’t need or to create a need within you for something that you formerly didn’t want.

The more outraged you become, the more conditioned you are. And that is the goal for your gatekeepers, your masters. Keeping you in a state of anger, fear, or confusion is the end goal in order to keep you buying things that you don’t need or want, and to keep you under the crushing weight of debt.

You are not a free thinker. You rationalize and you are a slave. You feel something that you have been conditioned to feel and then you act. Just as you have been told to. Just as you have been trained to. You are not strong and independent. Your masculinity is defined by what brand of truck you drive and what beer you drink. Your manhood is defined by how hard your erection is, and how long you can maintain it.

Your job is to provide and provision. Keep the machine afloat and alive with your blood, sweat, and your tears.  Yours is to provide for the comfort of others. Your comfort and desires do not matter. They never have and they never will. Yours is to accept this fate unconditionally and to do it quietly. No complaining is allowed.

Your slavery is mandatory, you have no say in it. You must conform, you must bow down, you must heel. You will obey. Keep adding to your crushing weight of debt and strengthen the chains of your slavery. Do it for the children. Do it for the good of society. Do it because God commands it. Do it because your leaders said so. Do it or you’ll burn in hell.

That is your fate, Dear Reader. From the day that you were born until the day that you die, you will consume and will ultimately be consumed. And then you will be forgotten by all but a very small few group of people.

What if I told you that there is another way? You can vote with your attention. You can choose not to click that link that has been engineered to entice you. You can skip that video with the intriguing introduction. You can turn off the television, and you can turn off the notifications on your social media. You can even uninstall those apps on your smartphone (that you bought because you were strong and independent and needed such a device because without it, you wouldn’t know what to do with yourself) and you can delete your social media profiles.

You can unlearn what you have learned. You can deprogram yourself. You can undo the years of brainwashing and conditioning that you have received from your schools, your authorities, and your corporate masters. You can even undo what your church and religion has taught you to believe, and you can figure out for yourself what it is that works best for you and for your life.

The war for your mind is ongoing and it is relentless. It never stops and it never takes a break, not even on Christmas (have you started your holiday shopping yet? All the good deals are going on right now and if you hurry, you’ll be able to buy that limited edition whatever it is, at a low price! And don’t worry, if you don’t have the money right now, you can either put the item on layaway, or you can always sign up for a line of credit, and don’t worry, the application can be filled out in a matter of minutes and the application is available right at the checkstand, or by clicking the link that is a part of your shopping cart.)

You can realize that you have been conditioned all of your life to think, feel, and act in certain ways. You can learn what it is that sets you off and triggers you. Or you can defend your ego, go back to sleep, go back to clicking on the links and watching the videos and continue to be outraged over things that aren’t about you and that you have no control over and never will. And you can keep spending your time on things that don’t matter, arguing with people you have never met and never will, and you can keep spending your money, adding to your chains of slavery and debt. You can go back to thinking that you are the master of your destiny and the ruler of your fate, and you can do it while spending more money and time on things you’ve been told to spend your money and time on.

Live or die, the choice is yours.

*end Jig-saw voice.*

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