Why Would You Post Something Like That?

“Why would you post something like that?”

“I can’t explain it, and it’s better that we not discuss it.”

Guys, if your women are asking you, “Why would you post something like that?” It’s time for you to sit up and take inventory.

I have a few people in my life, some of them are men, a couple of them are women, and if they become the “voice of sanity and reason” when I am either about to do something, or I just said something, it’s a cue for me to slow down and take stock in what I either said, or what I am about to do. These are people who are “crazier” than me. These are people who have taken bigger risks and done dumber shit than I would ever care to consider doing. When they tell me to slow down, I tend to stop and listen. They are the “canaries in the coalmine” for me.

Most guys either aren’t fortunate enough to have their own “canaries,” or they are too far gone to notice when that bird starts chirping in their ears. Even worse, they don’t see when the bird has died.

When you hang out on social media, you get “tainted” by it. It’ll warp your mind if you let it. Don’t tell me “you got this,” because you don’t. I’ve heard plenty of drug addicts and alcoholics say similar things. The only difference between you and them is that you don’t have a physical addiction. You probably don’t have a mental addiction either, but yet, your mind gets warped all the same. It’s because you can’t get off social media for any significant period of time.

When I say a significant period of time, I’m not talking about a few hours, or a couple of days. I’m talking about 4 to 6 months. Minimum. Some of you need it, or you’ll end up like the poor bastard in the screenshot. From what I gather, the guy has a wife who is asking him “Why would you post something like that?” And he decides his answer is, “I can’t explain it, and it’s better that we not discuss it.”

Sounds to me like his wife is his “canary in the coalmine.” And he can’t even see it. Maybe he doesn’t want to see it. His response is definitely not the flex that he thinks it is. In a worst case scenario, this little moment may be the “straw that broke the camel’s back.” It could be the final push towards something like divorce.

Several years ago, my ex-girlfriend decided to split. She decided to leave. Why? Ultimately, because she could. However, one of her justifications was, “Rob, you’re angry all the time. You’ve changed.” I had to pause and reflect. She wasn’t wrong. I was angry. I had changed. I wasn’t the guy that she had met four years before.

Now that doesn’t absolve her from her part in the disintegration of our relationship, but she did have a point. I can own that point.

But why was I so angry? What had changed? It was the outrage on social media. I got caught up. Instead of seeing what was in front of me with my own two eyes, I turned a blind eye and sucked down the shit on the internet. Lots of you guys are doing that. And when a friend, or your woman says, “Why would you post something like that?” Instead of taking a moment and reflecting and asking yourselves, “why indeed?” You come up with defenses and excuses. You say shit like, “I can’t explain it, and it’s better that we not discuss it.” But hey, nothing like sabotaging a significant, serious relationship in order to “pwn some anons on Twatter,” right? At least you’ll be “right,” right?

If someone asks you, “Why would you post something like that?” Maybe the problem is YOU.

When I say, “Get off the internet, go outside, and touch grass,” this is what I’m talking about. I have watched guys recently, selling their very souls for money and for “clout,” and for that dopamine hit. I’m not their “brothers keeper.” It’s not my job. They get to burn. If money, dopamine, and clout is all you want, then have at it. I can’t bother with you, you are not my problem. But I can put some distance between you and me. I can choose whether I engage with you or not. I can choose whether I meet you in real life, face-to-face, or not. Some of you, I still would. Most of you, I would not. Not anymore. I don’t have the time or patience anymore.

It’s not my job to “save you from yourself.” That’s your job.

I’m sure I’ll be writing about some of you in the future. You give me plenty of fodder and topics. But I’ll probably never meet you in real life. You made my decision easy. And for most of you, there’s always the “mute” function. It’s better that way, for me. Then I don’t have to see your stupid shit as you play dancing monkey for clout and cash.

Look at it this way though, in ten years, fifteen years, or even twenty years, you can look back at what you have accomplished. “Hey man, back in the day, I owned a bunch of random assholes and strangers on the internet. I set anon’s, guys, and women, straight.”

Lol lmao

Why Do You Care?

Apparently there is a guy, who married a woman. I believe this woman and possibly the guy too, do porn. Apparently the guy had another porn star rail his wife recently. Apparently that porn star had some thoughts about the whole ordeal as well. Apparently the guy who had his wife railed by another man is good with the whole situation though. At least he is now. It sounds like in the beginning he wasn’t good with it though. Who is this guy? Who is the guy who fucked the wife? Who is the wife? Who cares?

Why do I know about this guy, this woman, and the other porn star? Because you fuckers are the one’s putting it in front of my face on social media. You all have opinions about it. You all have your two cents. Why do you care? Are you letting another man fuck your woman? Do you want to be the guy fucking another man’s woman? Why do you care what three people whom you have never met, and probably will never meet, do, think, or say? Are your lives so good as to be so fucking boring that you have to go out on the internet and find shit to have an opinion about? Are you seriously seeking out outrage? Give me fucking strength.

Most of the opinions that I have seen are something along the lines of, “He’s a cuck! Cuck bad!” Why do you care if he’s a cuckold or not? You aren’t him, are you? Your opinion sounds an awful lot like morality. Your morality. “Go out and fuck! But not that way! My way! That’s the only proper way to fuck. Be like me! It worked for me!” Why do you care? What’s in it for you? Are you planning on selling a book, a bootcamp, or an online course? Again I ask, why do you care so much about what three consenting adults did or didn’t do? Why do you care about their sex lives so much? Are you jealous? Because you sound a bit jealous to me. Do you wish that it was your girl getting railed by another man? Do you wish you were the one doing the railing?

During this whole new hoop of nonsense, Rian Stone was the only one to ask the important question, and that was:

“What’s the point of getting married in the first place if you’re just gonna let your spouse fuck other dudes? Like really, what is the actual point?”

My understanding of marriage is that it is between two people. Two. Not a plethora. So why get married if you planned on fucking other people and letting your spouse fuck other people? Why bother with the whole contract, pomp, and ceremony? Why go through with it? Why not just live together, or not, and just fuck other people?

You don’t like cuckoldry, fine. Then don’t do it. Don’t participate in it.

When I see you guys going on about cucks in cuckland, this is what I see and hear:

It’s no different when I see you guys going after the guys that live in StepDadistan. You don’t want to be a step-dad? No problem, don’t do it. Don’t “step up.” Nobody is really asking you to do it, so why do you care? You don’t like or want to date women that are “single mom’s?” Fine. Don’t. You think guys who become step-dad’s are doing it out of necessity? Maybe, maybe not. I don’t know, and you certainly don’t know either. When I see you going after this particular group of guys, all I can think is about the chimp video above, and that you sound like a petulant toddler throwing a tantrum. Bitter. That’s the word that I’m looking for. You look and sound bitter. Again, why do you care what another man does or doesn’t do with his life?

How is any of this related to Rule Zero? How is this helping me, or any other man, including you, increase their sexual and life options? It isn’t and it doesn’t. So why do you care? Why are you doing it?

You all are “red-pilled.” You’ve all “unplugged from the Matrix.” And yet you are all hopelessly caught in the Web of Outrage, and you don’t even see it.

While you are all arguing and hooting amongst each other about the intricacies of being a step dad and/or being a cuckold, I’ve been to Wendover, partying in hot tubs, getting my dick sucked, getting laid, breathing fire, setting myself intentionally on fire, and creating routines for a performance for later this summer or early fall. I’ve been dealing with an aging, elderly father who has some health complications. I’ve been dealing with an aging and elderly cat who is coming to the end of his life.

Your trips to Cuckland, Cloutville, and StepDadistan suck. Which means by default, you suck. If hooting, flinging shit, and chimping on social media is all you have and it’s all you choose to show, then yes, you suck. Go live your lives.

I’m Crazy/You’re Sane

Looking Out For #1 by Robert J Ringer

The more I stay off social media, the more I realize just how fucked up it is when I return to it. I’m seeing guys who I respect, admire, and I have interacted with slowly devolving. For all intents and purposes, they have been “drinking all the Kool Aid.” I don’t think they realize what they are doing and what they are slowly becoming. They “can’t see the forest because of all the goddamn trees.”

Which is why I’m going to tell you about the “I’m Crazy/You’re Sane Theory” from Robert J Ringer. Mr. Ringer wrote several books, one of them titled, “Looking Out For #1.” This particular book was copyrighted in 1977. I consider it one of the first books on “self-improvement,” but back when self improvement wasn’t pandering to the reader with fluff and flowery language. No, Mr. Ringer comes at you point blank, in your face, and fuck your feelings.

I remember getting this book back in the late 80’s or maybe it was the early 90’s. I know I read it in college, my copy has the highlights and underlines in it. And boy, there’s a lot of highlighting and underlining.

I decided to pick up my copy again, because many concepts and ideas from it have stuck with me through the years. Watching guys I respect and admire slowly devolve got me to thinking about one of Mr. Ringer’s theories:

“I’m Crazy/You’re Sane Theory”

It’s my contention that if you attempt to carry on a relationship with an irrational person long enough, it’s only a matter of time until you begin wondering if day really isn’t night and 2+2 really doesn’t equal 5. Given enough time, an irrational individual can make you think that you’re the one who’s neurotic. Don’t let that happen. Can you imagine a more terrible nightmare than rattling the bars of your cage and having peanuts tossed to you by a neurotic person you carelessly allowed to remain in your life?

When you eliminate an aggravating individual from your private world, you’re effecting a long-term solution; it’s a cure. Humoring (compromising) is only a short-term patching job – the equivalent of taking an aspirin. Handled effectively, the neurotic will not only leave you alone, but probably will forget about you. It’s when you allow him to remain, and try to get him to “see the light” through facts and logic, that he can’t forget about you.

Remember: People will bother you until you no longer let them!

You stare into the abyss long enough, the abyss will stare back into you.

To quote a line from the movie 8mm:

“You dance with the Devil, the Devil don’t change. The Devil changes you.”

And that’s what I’m seeing.

Guys are dancing with the Devil and they are slowly but surely, changing. They are becoming the monsters that they claim to fight. They are becoming the neurotics. It’s come to a point for me now where I’m having to revise who I would introduce to my Father, my boss, my co-workers, and my women. I’m having to revise who I would even want to grab a beer with. With some of these guys, a year ago, or even 6 months ago, I would have had no problem with at least grabbing a beer with them. Now I’m not so sure I even want to do that.

I don’t know if “going outside and touching grass,” is going to help some of them at this point.

What’s really sad is that the various platforms of social media themselves foster and encourage the behaviors that I’m seeing. They are literally creating neurotics just by engagement alone. They are designed for it. They are meant for it.

I understand the “Nature of the Beast.” I get why guys engage in outrage and take on neurotics. It’s all for the Holy Algorithm. It’s to gain followers, which can hopefully be converted into paying customers. I understand the “Funnel.”

But is it worth it? Is it worth it to be a dancing monkey? Is it worth it to lose your sanity? Are you really willing to sacrifice your mental and physical health for the Almighty Dollar? Do you really want to be an “influencer,” or famous so bad, that you alienate yourself from everyone that is close to you? Do you really want to become a caricature? A meme? A joke?

With most people online having the attention span of a goldfish, do you really think you’ll be remembered for any significant length of time after you either disappear or die? Was it worth it for you to destroy your health, relationships, and possibly your own sanity, only to end up as a footnote, at best, or a joke at worst, in the history of whatever you are engaging in? Because some of the guys that I interact with are heading towards becoming a joke, and they don’t see it.

Is it really worth it to you? It’s not worth it to me.